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Changed: 17c17
Masculism has been characterized as the pinnacle of political correctness: heterosexual white guys are oppressed, too. The masculism movement is seen by many critics as combining misogyny with victimhood. Feminists argue that masculism or "Men's Rights" groups seek to perpetuate the repression of women in society.
Masculism has been characterized as the pinnacle of political correctness: heterosexual white guys are oppressed, too. The masculism movement is seen by many critics as combining misogyny with victimhood. Feminists argue that masculism or "Men's Rights" groups seek to perpetuate the repression of women in society.
Changed: 19c19
Masculists do not define their movement as the "opposite" of feminism: That would be "typical" feminist stereotyping based on the assumption of little or no sex differences, they argue. As the underlying assumption of masculism are significant gender differences, masculists claim that their ideological approach is also significantly different from that of feminists.
Masculists do not define their movement as the "opposite" of feminism: That would be "typical" feminist stereotyping based on the assumption of little or no sex differences, they argue. As the underlying assumption of masculism are significant gender differences, masculists claim that their ideological approach is also significantly different from that of feminists. As for accusations of "misogyny and victimhood", in the area of group sex hate, misandry wins hands down. Even if men tried, and in the unlikely event that they would recieve sympathy, one has to admit that women are natural victims. Feminism itself proves that.