[Home]History of Kabuki

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Revision 1 . . (edit) October 13, 2001 5:07 am by TwoOneTwo

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Kabuki, meaning song or dance, is a traditional form of Japanese theatre. It was founded in 1603 by Okuni, a attendant from [Izumo Shrine]? who introduced her style with dances in the dry river beds of Kyoto? , it was instantly popular. Initially it was ensemble dancing performed by women. But when the government banned women from the stage to protect public morales in 1629, and young men in 1652 it allowed Kabuki to develop into a sophisticated, highly stylized and all-male form called yaro kabuki. The men who play the roles of women are referred to as onnagata. It's development was pioneered by Ichikawa Danjuro (1660-1704) in Edo and Sakata Tojuro (1647-1709) in the Kyoto-Osaka area.
Kabuki (歌舞伎), meaning song or dance, is a traditional form of Japanese theatre. It was founded in 1603 by Okuni, a attendant from [Izumo Shrine]? who introduced her style with dances in the dry river beds of Kyoto? , it was instantly popular. Initially it was ensemble dancing performed by women. But when the government banned women from the stage to protect public morales in 1629, and young men in 1652 it allowed Kabuki to develop into a sophisticated, highly stylized and all-male form called yaro kabuki. The men who play the roles of women are referred to as onnagata. It's development was pioneered by Ichikawa Danjuro (1660-1704) in Edo and Sakata Tojuro (1647-1709) in the Kyoto-Osaka area.

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