[Home]History of J Hofmann Kemp

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Revision 33 . . November 17, 2001 1:13 am by J Hofmann Kemp [4 reasons to excuse my typing...]
Revision 32 . . November 9, 2001 3:21 am by J Hofmann Kemp [non-cat-related typo]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 5c5
Contributions by Billy the Cat will be omitted whenever possible, but all typos are his fault! Sadly, his (and my) friend Boots is missing, presumed the worst...
Contributions by Billy the Cat and his sworn enemies and rivals for human attention (the returned Boots, and new friends Lily and Rose) appear regularly in the form of typos. I dunno -- they just seem to think we can fill in the blanks and read their tiny little minds...

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