[Home]History of Heimatvertriebene

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Revision 28 . . (edit) December 5, 2001 3:17 am by Vulture
Revision 27 . . (edit) December 5, 2001 3:13 am by Vulture
Revision 26 . . (edit) November 15, 2001 3:51 am by (logged).215.85.xxx
Revision 23 . . November 14, 2001 11:55 pm by (logged).215.85.xxx [*added CDU website with updates]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
The deutschen Heimatvertriebene (aka Heimatvertriebene, trans.: "ethnic German refugees", lit. "German homeland refugees")and 'Vertriebenen' refers to the diaspora of the approximately 15 million ethnic Germans and German citizens, who in the years surrounding World War II fled or were evicted from countries occupied by the Soviet army, particularly eastern Germany.
The deutschen Heimatvertriebene (aka Heimatvertriebene, trans.: "ethnic German refugees", lit. "German homeland refugees") and 'Vertriebenen' refers to the diaspora of the approximately 15 million ethnic Germans and German citizens, who in the years surrounding World War II fled or were evicted from countries occupied by the Soviet army, particularly eastern Germany.

Changed: 5c5
During the winter months 1944 to 1945 the population of eastern Germany (the German term for the political territory was Deutsche Reich, the population Reichsdeutschen) was driven out by Soviet Union and allied military forces. The population of eastern Germany at the time included both residents from before the war and refugees from surrounding countries.
During the winter months 1944 to 1945 the population of eastern Germany (the German term for the political territory was Deutsches Reich, the population Reichsdeutsche) was driven out by Soviet Union and allied military forces. The population of eastern Germany at the time included both residents from before the war and refugees from surrounding countries.

Changed: 7c7
Following the conclusion of World War II, many refugees returned to their homes in eastern Germany, which had become occupied by Soviet military troops .They were then expelled by the communist regimes , put in place by Soviet Union.
Following the conclusion of World War II, many refugees returned to their homes in eastern Germany, which had become occupied by Soviet military troops. They were then expelled by the communist regimes, put in place by Soviet Union.

Changed: 14c14,17
It is estimated that 2 1/2 million German refugees died during the forced treck, due to being bombarded , refugee boats and ships being torpedoes ,of having to walk thousands of km from eastern Germany to west of the Oder/Neisse? river in Germany , over the frozen Baltic Sea and heavy snow and of starvation.

Bundesvertriebenengesetz , Law

Since 1953 the West German government, the Bundesregierung has passed laws dealing with the expellees. Several additions were made to these laws: [[1]].

It is estimated that 2 1/2 million German refugees died during the forced treck, due to being bombarded, refugee boats and ships being torpedoes, of having to walk thousands of km from eastern Germany to west of the Oder/Neisse? river in Germany, over the frozen Baltic Sea and heavy snow and of starvation.

Changed: 21,22c24,25
The CDU Christian Democratic Union government has for a long time and is in support of the refugees and expellees,external link of CDU [[1]]. With the change of German government from the CDU under Helmut Kohl to the SPD , the Socialist Democratic Party , a seeming disregard for keeping the cultural values of the Vertriebenen has set in. The current Bundesregierung declared , that they are not aware of the speech by then
US Presidential Candidate to the German/American? Institute , where he strongly condemned the
The CDU Christian Democratic Union government has for a long time and is in support of the refugees and expellees, external link of CDU [[1]]. With the change of German government from the CDU under Helmut Kohl to the SPD, the Socialist Democratic Party, a seeming disregard for keeping the cultural values of the Vertriebenen has set in. The current Bundesregierung declared, that they are not aware of the speech by then
US Presidential Candidate to the German/American? Institute, where he strongly condemned the

Changed: 27c30
German right-wing revisionist author and ethnic nationalist [Rolf Josef Eibicht]? has described what has happened to the Heimatvertriebe as "ein beispielloser Völkermord, ein Vertreibungs-Holocaust am deutschen Volk, einunverjährbares Jahrtausendverbrechen" ("An unparalled genocide, an eviction-Holocaust of the German people, an undescribable thousand-year crime").
German right-wing revisionist author and ethnic nationalist [Rolf Josef Eibicht]? has described what has happened to the Heimatvertriebe as "ein beispielloser Völkermord, ein Vertreibungs-Holocaust am deutschen Volk, ein unverjährbares Jahrtausendverbrechen" ("An unparalled genocide, an eviction-Holocaust of the German people, an undescribable thousand-year crime").

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