The following is based on "The Neighbourhood of Dublin" by Weston St. John Joyce (third and enlarged edition 1920). CHAPTER XXVI, "Glasnevin, Finglas and the adjacent district" as scanned in by Ken Finlay[1]. It needs considerable work to update, to split between this page and Finglas?, and to change its style from travelogue to encyclopedia article. |
The following started as "The Neighbourhood of Dublin" by Weston St. John Joyce (third and enlarged edition 1920). CHAPTER XXVI, "Glasnevin, Finglas and the adjacent district" as scanned in by Ken Finlay[1]. It needs considerable work to update, to split between this page and Finglas?, and to change its style from travelogue to encyclopedia article. |
Leaving town, we proceed by tram or otherwise to Glasnevin, passing what is known as "Dunphy's Corner," but which about a hundred years ago was called Glasmanogue, and was then a well-known stage on the way to Finglas. At an earlier date the name possessed a wider signification and was applied to a considerable portion of the adjoining district. |
Leaving the City Centre you can approach Glasnevin via Phibsboro? passing what is known as "Doyles Corner" (previously "Dunphy's Corner")[1] but which about a 200 years ago was called Glasmanogue, and was then a well-known stage on the way to Finglas?. At an earlier date the name possessed a wider signification and was applied to a considerable portion of the adjoining district. |
Apart from the great cemetery by which the locality is flow best known, Glasnevin is interesting chiefly by reason of the distinguished people who in bygone days made it their residence or resort. Of these perhaps the best known and most identified with the place is the celebrated divine, Dr. Delany, who lived here in the 18th century, and who assembled around the table in his charming house, Delville, all the Dublin wits and celebrities of his time. Doubtless the chief attraction to many of the visitors was the talented hostess, Mrs. Delany, to whose taste and refinement Delville owes much of its present interest. Swift and Stella were both in the habit of visiting the hospitable proprietors of Delville, and Swift wrote a squib jocosely satirising the grounds which he considered too small for the size of the house. |
Apart from the great cemetery by which the locality is best known, Glasnevin is interesting chiefly by reason of the distinguished people who in bygone days made it their residence or resort. Of these perhaps the best known and most identified with the place is the celebrated divine, Dr. Delany, who lived here in the 18th century, and who assembled around the table in his charming house, Delville, all the Dublin wits and celebrities of his time. Doubtless the chief attraction to many of the visitors was the talented hostess, Mrs. Delany[1], to whose taste and refinement Delville owes much of its present interest. Swift and Stella were both in the habit of visiting the hospitable proprietors of Delville, and Swift wrote a squib jocosely satirising the grounds which he considered too small for the size of the house. |
The gardens are laid out to the best advantage, and retain, in their main features, the design of their originator. They contain a number of magnificent trees and shrubs, among which are arbutus, ilex and yew, many of them of venerable appearance. A pretty stream, spanned by rustic bridges, flows through the grounds which are well enclosed, forming a delightful retreat, notwithstanding the rapid encroachment of the city in this direction. |
The gardens are laid out to the best advantage, and retained in 1920, in their main features, the design of their originator. They contained a number of magnificent trees and shrubs, among which are arbutus, ilex and yew, many of them of venerable appearance. A pretty stream, spanned by rustic bridges, flowed through the grounds which are well enclosed, forming a delightful retreat, notwithstanding the rapid encroachment of the city in this direction. |