[Home]History of Engine

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Revision 8 . . (edit) November 27, 2001 8:37 pm by WojPob
Revision 7 . . November 25, 2001 8:13 pm by Kwaku [Added linke to 'air engine']
Revision 6 . . (edit) October 14, 2001 5:44 pm by Bjorn Elenfors

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Removed: 2d1

There is an overlap in English between 'Those who operate engines' and 'those who design and construct new items'.

Changed: 4,5c3,9
Typical car engines include rotary engine's, orbital?, straight?, V6 and V8.
All of these configurations refer to the movement of the pistons within the cylinder? block,
There is an overlap in English between 'Those who operate engines' and 'those who design and construct new items'.

Typical car engines include rotary engines, orbital?, straight?, V6 and V8. All of these configurations refer to the movement of the pistons within the cylinder? block.

A special case is the air engine which is driven by compressed air.

see also diesel engine

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