[Home]History of Cat breeds

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Revision 4 . . (edit) November 22, 2001 5:21 am by (logged).254.9.xxx [Add breeds]
Revision 3 . . November 22, 2001 2:41 am by Dmerrill [alphabetized (ask and ye shall receive!)]
Revision 2 . . November 22, 2001 2:39 am by J Hofmann Kemp [*more breeds -- needs alphabetizing...]
Revision 1 . . November 22, 2001 1:45 am by Dmerrill [new article (these breed articles should eventually be more than lists, dontcha think?]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1,6c1,4
*[Persian cat]?
*[Manx cat]?
*[Siamese cat]?
*[Maine Coon cat]?
*[Himalayan cat]?
*[Snowshoe cat]?
*[Abyssinian cat]?
*[American Domestic Shorthair cat]?
*[Balinese cat]?
*[Birman cat]?

Removed: 8d5
*[Devon Rex cat]?

Added: 9a7,15
*[Devon Rex cat]?
*[Himalayan cat]?
*[Korat cat]?
*[Maine Coon cat]?
*[Manx cat]?
*[Norwegian Forest cat]?
*[Persian cat]?
*[Ragdoll cat]?

Removed: 11d16
*[American Domestic Shorthair cat]?

Changed: 13,15c18,22
*[Abyssinian cat]?

*[Siamese cat]?
*[Snowshoe cat]?
*[Somali cat]?
*[Sphinx cat]?
*[Turkish Van cat]?

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