[Home]History of Cantonese

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Revision 11 . . November 5, 2001 9:54 am by (logged).4.254.xxx [Cantonese preserves more sounds]
Revision 10 . . November 5, 2001 9:36 am by (logged).4.254.xxx [lacks of M ending sound in Mandarin]
Revision 7 . . (edit) September 8, 2001 4:35 am by Stephen Gilbert [removing extra braces around external link]

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Added: 26a27,28
Cantonese tends to preserve more variations of sound while Mandarin merged many of them. For example, the characters, (藝,憶,懿,邑,譯,佚) all pronounced as yi4 in Mandarin, but all different in Cantonese, they are pronounced as ngai6, yik1, yi3, yap1, yik6, yat6 respectively.

Changed: 28c30
Mandarin lacks the ending sound of "m" such as "taam6" (譚) becomes tan2, "yim4" (鹽) becomes yan2, "tim1" (添) becomes tan1, "ham4" (含) becomes han2 etc. in Mandarin. The examples are too numerous to list.
Mandarin lacks the ending sound of "m" such as "taam6" (譚) becomes tan2, "yim4" (鹽) becomes yan2, "tim1" (添) becomes tian1, "ham4" (含) becomes han2 etc. in Mandarin. The examples are too numerous to list.

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