[Home]History of Bus

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Revision 12 . . October 1, 2001 3:23 am by Dachshund [enumerated senses, linked to "Computer bus"]
Revision 11 . . (edit) September 7, 2001 9:43 pm by Anders Torlind

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
A bus is a large wheeled vehicle, intended to carry numerous persons in addition to the driver. The name is a shortened version of omnibus. Buses are essentially an upscaling of the idea of the automobile.
1. A large wheeled vehicle, intended to carry numerous persons in addition to the driver. The name is a shortened version of omnibus. Buses are essentially an upscaling of the idea of the automobile.

Changed: 29,30c29

Bus is also a term in computing and electronics. It describes an electrical interface where many devices share the same electric connection allowing signals to be transferred between them (allowing information or power to be shared). A bus often takes the form of an array of wires that terminate at a connector which allows a device to be plugged onto the bus. A common example is the PCI bus in PCs.
2. A term in computing and electronics. It describes an electrical interface where many devices share the same electric connection allowing signals to be transferred between them (allowing information or power to be shared). See Computer bus.

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