[Home]History of Brian De Palma

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Revision 7 . . September 21, 2001 1:10 am by Larry Sanger
Revision 6 . . (edit) September 21, 2001 12:52 am by Pinkunicorn

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
American film director born in Newark, New Jersey, on September 11, 1940. His works explore themes of suspense, murder, obsession, and psychiatric disorders, among others. Considered by many as a successor to Alfred Hithcock's cinematic style.
Brian De Palma (b. September 11, 1940, Newark, New Jersey) is an American film director. His works explore themes of suspense, murder, obsession, and psychiatric disorders, among others. De Palma's cinematic style is considered by many as a successor to that of Alfred Hithcock.

Changed: 11c11
:[Bonfire of the Vanities, The]? (1990)
:[The Bonfire of the Vanities]? (1990)

Changed: 13c13
:[Untouchables, The]? (1987)
:[The Untouchables]? (1987)

Changed: 20c20
:[Fury, The]? (1978)
:[The Fury]? (1978)

Changed: 28c28
:[Wedding Party, The]? (1969)
:[The Wedding Party]? (1969)

Changed: 31,32c31,32
:[Responsive Eye, The]? (1966)
:[Show Me a Strong Town and I ll Show You a Strong Bank]? (1966)
:[The Responsive Eye]? (1966)
:[Show Me a Strong Town and Ill Show You a Strong Bank]? (1966)

Changed: 35,36c35,36
:[Wotan s Wake]? (1962)
:[660124 The Story of an IBM Card]? (1961)
:[Wotans Wake]? (1962)
:[660124 The Story of an IBM Card]? (1961)

Changed: 39c39

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