[Home]History of Books of Chronicles

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Revision 3 . . (edit) November 9, 2001 9:11 pm by Uriyan [some wikification]
Revision 2 . . October 7, 2001 4:48 am by Alan Millar [wikify]
Revision 1 . . September 30, 2001 2:22 pm by (logged).99.203.xxx [Initial text from Easton's Bible Dictionary, 1897 -- please update as needed]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1,6c1,8
\Chronicles, Books of\
The two books were originally one. They bore the title in the
Massoretic Hebrew Dibre hayyamim , i.e., "Acts of the Days."
This title was rendered by Jerome in his Latin version
"Chronicon," and hence "Chronicles." In the Septuagint version
the book is divided into two, and bears the title Paraleipomena,
The Chronicles are books in the Bible Old Testament
and Tanach.
There are two books, now known as 1st Chronicles and 2nd Chronicles,
but two books were originally one. They bore the title in the
Massoretic Hebrew Dibre hayyamim , i.e., "Acts of the Days."
They were called by Jerome in his Latin version
"Chronicon," and hence "Chronicles." In the Septuagint version
the book is divided into two, and bears the title Paraleipomena,

Changed: 8c10
many things omitted in the Books of Kings.
many things omitted in the Books of Kings.

Removed: 11,18d12
(1.) The first nine chapters of Book I. contain little more than
a list of genealogies in the line of Israel down to the time of
David. (2.) The remainder of the first book contains a history
of the reign of David. (3.) The first nine chapters of Book II.
contain the history of the reign of Solomon. (4.) The remaining
chapters of the second book contain the history of the separate
kingdom of Judah to the time of the return from Babylonian

Changed: 20,21c14,20
The time of the composition of the Chronicles was, there is
every ground to conclude, subsequent to the Babylonian Exile,
#The first nine chapters of Book I contain little more than a list of genealogies in the line of Israel down to the time of David.
#The remainder of the first book contains a history of the reign of David.
#The first nine chapters of Book II. contain the history of the reign of Solomon.
#The remaining chapters of the second book contain the history of the separate kingdom of Judah to the time of the return from Babylonian Exile.

The time of the composition of the Chronicles is believed
to have been subsequent to the Babylonian Exile,

Changed: 24c23,24
idea. The close of the book records the proclamation of Cyrus
idea. The close of the book records the proclamation of
Cyrus the Great

Changed: 26c26
the opening passage of the Book of Ezra, which must be viewed as
the opening passage of the Book of Ezra, which is viewed as

Changed: 33,34c33
The time of the composition being determined, the question of
the authorship may be more easily decided. According to Jewish
According to Jewish

Changed: 47,48c46,48
prominence to political occurences, as is done in Samuel and
Kings, but to ecclesiastical institutions. "The genealogies, so
prominence to political occurences, as is done in Samuel and
but to ecclesiastical institutions. "The genealogies, so

Changed: 88,90c88,90
The Books of Chronicles are ranked among the khethubim or
hagiographa. They are alluded to, though not directly quoted, in
the New Testament (Heb. 5:4; Matt. 12:42; 23:35; Luke 1:5;
The Books of Chronicles are ranked among the khethubim or
hagiographa?. They are alluded to, though not directly quoted, in
the New Testament (Heb. 5:4; Matt. 12:42; 23:35; Luke 1:5;

Added: 92a93
See also Books of the Bible

Changed: 96c97
Initial text from Easton's Bible Dictionary, 1897 -- Please update as needed
Initial text from Easton's Bible Dictionary, 1897 -- Please update as needed

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