[Home]History of Book of Ruth

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Revision 2 . . October 7, 2001 9:11 am by Alan Millar [wikify]
Revision 1 . . October 7, 2001 8:50 am by (logged).99.203.xxx [Initial text from Easton's Bible Dictionary, 1897 -- please update as needed]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1,2c1,3
\Ruth The Book of\
was originally a part of the Book of Judges, but it now forms
The book of Ruth is a book of the Bible Old Testament
and Jewish Tanach. It
was originally a part of the Book of Judges, but it now forms

Changed: 6c7,8
hundred and twenty-six years before the birth of David. It gives
hundred and twenty-six years before the birth of David. It gives

Changed: 8,10c10,15
Elimelech, and of her subsequent return to Bethlehem with her
daughter-in-law; (2) the marriage of Boaz and Ruth; and (3) the
birth of Obed, of whom David sprang.
Elimelech, and of her subsequent return to Bethlehem with her

(2) the marriage of Boaz and Ruth; and

(3) the birth of Obed, of whom David sprang.

Changed: 12c17
The author of this book was probably Samuel, according to
The author of this book was thought to be Samuel according to

Removed: 20,21d24

Changed: 23c26
Initial text from Easton's Bible Dictionary, 1897 -- Please update as needed
Initial text from Easton's Bible Dictionary, 1897 -- Please update as needed

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