[Home]History of Bollywood/Talk

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Revision 9 . . November 11, 2001 5:19 am by Aristotle
Revision 8 . . October 5, 2001 9:22 am by (logged).251.118.xxx [BBC says India biggest film industry]

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I'm afraid I have to confess that I'm no Bollywood expert although I do have an awareness of this scene. My method for starting Wikipedia pages is to write from my existing understanding of a subject and then start to refine this picture, along with other contributers, through subsequent research and feedback. In this initial, draft version I generally try to restrict myself to making statements that I am confident are true so they can be expanded later.

However I suspect that Bollywood is just Bombay although such a cultural/creative industry that tends to spread over time, as the original town becomes too big or too expensive for it house all the people who want to make this kind of films.

: -- Aristotle

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