[Home]History of Blue-tailed skink

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Revision 4 . . October 31, 2001 3:11 pm by Alan Millar [link to lizard]
Revision 3 . . October 31, 2001 9:48 am by (logged).202.129.xxx [changing /talk to /Talk]

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Changed: 1c1
Popular name for a number of species of skinks? found in North America and Asia all of which have a bright blue detachable tail. These lizards are usually 2-3 inches long, but may reach 5 to 6 inches in length. They are not especially agressive, but will bite if provoked. The bite is not very painful, even to children, which may find great amusement with the spectacle of lizard dangling from their forefinger. Some species have are dark brown to black in color, with 5 yellow stripes down their backs, which provides an alternate name
Popular name for a number of species of skinks? found in North America and Asia all of which have a bright blue detachable tail. These lizards are usually 2-3 inches long, but may reach 5 to 6 inches in length. They are not especially agressive, but will bite if provoked. The bite is not very painful, even to children, which may find great amusement with the spectacle of lizard dangling from their forefinger. Some species have are dark brown to black in color, with 5 yellow stripes down their backs, which provides an alternate name

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