[Home]History of Bitnet

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Revision 3 . . December 11, 2001 2:12 pm by GregLindahl [details, details]
Revision 2 . . (edit) November 11, 2001 8:48 pm by Zundark [wikify]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 2,3c2,8
It is composed only of educational institutions.
It features e-mail and listservs, but no web sites or other protocols like FTP or Gopher.

It was composed only of educational institutions, although the protocols it ran were used for a huge network internal to IBM, which was larger than other networks such as ARPANet for quite a while. Bitnet links originally ran at 9600 baud. The software that ran Bitnet was eventually ported to non IBM mainframe OSes.

Bitnet featured e-mail and listservs, but predated network services such as web sites, FTP or Gopher. You could also send short messages to other users (a feature exploited by [Bitnet Relay Chat]?), as well as files.

One joke about Bitnet was that it stood for "Because Idiots Type Network".

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