[Home]History of Bhutan/People

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Revision 11 . . (edit) September 28, 2001 11:19 pm by Zundark [Bhutan?s -> Bhutan's]
Revision 10 . . (edit) August 27, 2001 12:54 pm by Koyaanis Qatsi
Revision 6 . . (edit) August 27, 2001 9:49 am by Rakesh

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 2c2
In 1999, Bhutan’s population was 657,548 according to the Planning Commission of the Royal Government of Bhutan. There are 125,000 Bhutanese refugees living in Nepal and India. Out of which around 105,000 are living in Nepal and another 20,000 in India.. Thus, the total population of Bhutan was estimated at 782,548 ( 657,548 + 125,000). The world Bank’s population figure for the year 2000 was 782,000
In 1999, Bhutan's population was 657,548 according to the Planning Commission of the Royal Government of Bhutan. There are 125,000 Bhutanese refugees living in Nepal and India. Out of which around 105,000 are living in Nepal and another 20,000 in India.. Thus, the total population of Bhutan was estimated at 782,548 ( 657,548 + 125,000). The world Bank's population figure for the year 2000 was 782,000

Added: 35a36

Changed: 46c47
Ngalung or Drukpa 129, 068 (16.50 %, Sharchop 187,252 (23.92 %, Bumthangpa 34,309 (04.40 %), Kheng 28,553 (03.65 %), Nepali/Lhotshampa? 366,224 (46.79 %) , Kurteop 21,108(02.68 %, Brokpa 4,034(00.50 %, Lhop/Doya? 2,000 (00.26 %)Adivasis 1,000 (00.13 %, Lepcha 2,000 (00.26 %)Tibetan 3,000 (00.39 %, Gongduk 2,000 (00.26 %)and Monpa 2,000(00.26 %)
Ngalung or Drukpa 129, 068 (16.50 %); Sharchop 187,252 (23.92 %); Bumthangpa 34,309 (04.40 %); Kheng 28,553 (03.65 %); Nepali/Lhotshampa? 366,224 (46.79 %); Kurteop 21,108(02.68 %); Brokpa 4,034(00.50 %); Lhop/Doya? 2,000 (00.26 %); Adivasis 1,000(00.13 %) Lepcha 2,000 (00.26 %); Tibetan 3,000 (00.39 %); Gongduk 2,000(00.26 %)and Monpa 2,000(00.26 %).

Changed: 48,49c49,50
Drukpa Krgyupa Buddhism 127, 068(16.24 %) ; Nyngmapa Buddhism 270,222(34,53 %); Hindu 354,224(46.25 %; Christians 16,000 (02.04 %); Tibetan Buddhism 7,000 (00.90 %; Animist or nature worshippers 8,034(01.02 %);
Grand Total 782,548 (100.00 %). Out of 16,000 Christians, 10,000 are living as refugees in Nepal and India

Drukpa Krgyupa Buddhism 127, 068 (16.24 %); Nyngmapa Buddhism 270,222(34,53 %); Hinduism 354,224 (46.25 %); Christians 16,000(02.04 %); Tibetan Buddhism 7,000 (00.90 %) ; Animist or nature worshippers 8,034(01.02 %) Grand Total 782,548 (100.00 %). Out of 16,000 Christians, 10,000 are living as refugees in Nepal and India

Changed: 63c64
refugee issue over the presence in Nepal of approximately 99,000 Bhutanese refugees, 90% of whom are in seven United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) camps
refugee issue over the presence in Nepal of approximately 96,500 Bhutanese refugees, 90% of whom are in seven United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) camps

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