[Home]History of Atlantis

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Revision 37 . . (edit) December 10, 2001 11:10 pm by (logged).246.99.xxx [*Underwater structures off Cuba]
Revision 36 . . November 7, 2001 1:33 am by Rcingham
Revision 35 . . (edit) November 7, 2001 1:15 am by Gareth Owen

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 15c15
Yet another theory that fits in with geography of 11,000 years ago sites Atlantis in the Antarctica archipelago - technically in the South Atlantic Ocean - where it would have been drowned by the rise in sea level after the last Ice Age. How cold the local climate would have been is a matter for speculation. Troy, [Minoan Crete]? (or possibly Santorini) and other ancient port cities are asserted to be colonies.
Yet another theory that fits in with geography of 11,000 years ago sites Atlantis in the Antarctic archipelago - technically in the South Atlantic Ocean - where it would have been drowned by the rise in sea level after the last Ice Age. How cold the local climate would have been is a matter for speculation. Troy, [Minoan Crete]? (or possibly Santorini) and other ancient port cities are asserted to be colonies.

Changed: 45c45

Recent underwater discoveries off the west coast of Cuba have led some to speculate on an Atlantean connection. See www.earthfiles.com for more information.

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