[Home]History of Atlantic Avenue Tunnel

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Revision 14 . . (edit) October 16, 2001 6:26 am by The Cunctator
Revision 13 . . October 16, 2001 4:27 am by (logged).192.137.xxx [its location could only found in an external link, what a way to write encryclopedia article!]
Revision 12 . . (edit) October 15, 2001 4:23 pm by (logged).24.41.xxx

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1
The Atlantic Avenue Tunnel (or LIRR Tunnel) is an abandoned subway tunnel built in 1844, the oldest in the world, running beneath Atlantic Avenue for about 2750 feet between Hicks Street and Boerum Place. It had been sealed in 1861, fell into myth, and only rediscovered by the 18-year-old Robert "Bob" Diamond in 1981, who entered from a manhole at Atlantic and Court Street.
The Atlantic Avenue Tunnel (or LIRR Tunnel) in downtown Brooklyn is an abandoned subway tunnel built in 1844, the oldest in the world, running beneath Atlantic Avenue for about 2750 feet between Hicks Street and Boerum Place. It had been sealed in 1861, fell into myth, and only rediscovered by the 18-year-old Robert "Bob" Diamond in 1981, who entered from a manhole at Atlantic and Court Street.

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