[Home]History of Anzac

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Revision 6 . . November 7, 2001 10:43 pm by (logged).9.128.xxx [make the point that Anzac day is observed in both Oz and the Shaky Isles :)]
Revision 5 . . (edit) November 7, 2001 9:54 pm by Alex [minor typo]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 3c3
Within Australia the ANZACs came to stand not just for the troops in World War I, but for Australian soldiers in time of war more generally. ANZAC day is annually celebrated in memory of those soldiers who died in war. It is celebrated each year on April 25, the date of the first landing at Gallipoli in 1915 on a beach which was subsequently to become known as Anzac Cove.
Within Australia the ANZACs came to stand not just for the troops in World War I, but for Australian soldiers in time of war more generally. ANZAC day is annually celebrated in memory of those soldiers who died in war. It is celebrated each year by both countries on April 25, the date of the first landing at Gallipoli in 1915 on a beach which was subsequently to become known as Anzac Cove.

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