[Home]History of Anthropological classification of homosexuality

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Revision 2 . . November 30, 2001 5:24 am by (logged).191.188.xxx [Moved to its own page]
Revision 1 . . (edit) November 30, 2001 5:22 am by (logged).191.188.xxx

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
While homosexuality has been present in almost all societies since the dawn of time, the forms in which it has been found vary widely. Anthropologists who have studied homosexuality distinguish three main types of homosexuality: gender-structured, age-structured and egalitarian.
While homosexuality has been present in almost all societies since the dawn of time, the forms in which it has been found vary widely. Anthropologists who have studied homosexuality distinguish three main types of homosexuality: gender-structured, age-structured and egalitarian.

Changed: 11c11
Some anthropologists have argued for the existence of a fourth type of homosexuality, class-structured homosexuality; but many scholars believe that this has no independent existence from the other three types.
Some anthropologists have argued for the existence of a fourth type of homosexuality, class-structured homosexuality; but many scholars believe that this has no independent existence from the other three types.

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