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Revision 8 . . December 17, 2001 4:34 am by AxelBoldt
Revision 7 . . December 17, 2001 4:34 am by AxelBoldt
Revision 6 . . December 17, 2001 4:27 am by (logged).117.133.xxx
Revision 5 . . July 6, 2001 9:11 pm by (logged).144.199.xxx

Difference (from prior major revision) (author diff)

Changed: 22c22
Yes, Lp is fine (or, if you want, Lp. The link doesn't work because you can't have sub- and superscripts in links; you have to use [Lp space]? (click on "edit this page" to check what I did). --AxelBoldt
Yes, Lp is fine (or, if you want, L p). The link doesn't work because you can't have sub- and superscripts in links; you have to use [Lp space]? (click on "edit this page" to check what I did). --AxelBoldt

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