[Home]History of Amber Road

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Revision 15 . . (edit) October 19, 2001 1:50 am by BenBaker
Revision 12 . . October 19, 2001 12:49 am by Paul Drye
Revision 11 . . October 19, 2001 12:39 am by H. Jonat [*Amber Road a current translation for ancient Germanic trade rou known as Bernsteinstrasse. This time leave your hands off P.Dye ]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1,3c1
The Amber Road was a trade route from the delta of the Vistula river to Olbia? at the Black Sea before the birth of Christ. For thousands of years amber was transport
The Amber Road, known for centuries as Bernsteinstrasse , was a trade route from the delta of the Vistula river to Olbia? at the Black Sea before the birth of Christ. For thousands of years amber was transported overland on rivers from the North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts to Italy, Greece, Black Sea and Egypt. The Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun had Baltic amber among his burial goods. From the Black Sea you could continue to Asia on the [Silk Road]?, another ancient trade route.
Truso on the Baltic was one of the main trading places; Truso was near the later city of Elbing at the Drausensee? lake.
The Amber Road was a trade route from the delta of the Vistula river to Olbia? at the Black Sea before the birth of Christ. As one of the original Germanic waterways and ancient 'highways', the road for centuries was known by its German name Bernsteinstrasse. These waterways and trade routes of eastern Germany and eastern Europe have been an essential component of trade between Europe and the Black Sea.

Changed: 5c3
This road was one of the original Germanic waterways, the ancient 'highways' . Only in the last few years are English speakers becoming aware of the existence of these waterways and trade routes of eastern Germany and eastern Europe.Therefore the translation of Bernsteinstrasse to Amber Road for none-Germanic language speakers has recently been started.
A vital component of ornamental objects, amber was transported overland on rivers from the North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts to Italy, Greece, Black Sea and Egypt. The Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun had Baltic amber among his burial goods. From the Black Sea, trade could continue to Asia along the [Silk Road]?, another ancient trade route.

Added: 6a5,7
Truso on the Baltic was one of the main trading places; Truso was near the later city of Elbing at the Drausensee? lake.


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