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Revision 4 . . September 22, 2001 2:17 am by Stephen Gilbert [link to Adobe Systems, moving talk]
Revision 3 . . March 24, 2001 5:39 am by RoseParks [*Pronuncaiton reference please.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 14,15c14,18
Source: Project Guetenberg Encyclopedia Vol 1. Thereafter edited on Wikipedia.

Q Is this the author's own pronunciaton symbol scheme or one borrowed from the source encylopedia. In any case, I think if you use a pronunciation guide you should reference it. As it is, this pronunciation could be construed as a number of things, and therefore, close to useless...:-).. Our usual would be /a-doh'-bee/ I believe. Your worst nightmare
Source: Project Guetenberg Encyclopedia Vol 1. Thereafter edited on Wikipedia.

For the software company, see Adobe Systems


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