[Home]History of 20th century/Infectious disease Talk

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Revision 9 . . July 10, 2001 12:09 pm by (logged).134.83.xxx
Revision 8 . . May 17, 2001 1:54 am by LA2

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 1c1
[Comments on historical periods should be in the past tense] Third World countries are not so well off unfortunately. They are too poor to afford modern medicine and thus mortality rates of diseaes like AIDS are still very high and the number of infected people is in some sountries (like South Africa) as high as 20% of adult population.
[Comments on historical periods should be in the past tense] Third World countries are not so well off unfortunately. They are too poor to afford modern medicine and thus mortality rates of diseaes like AIDS are still very high and the number of infected people is in some sountries (like South Africa) as high as 20% of adult population.

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