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[Home]What is a Wiki for

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In principle, a wiki is for whatever its users want it to be for. The format lends itself to collaboration--but collaboration that involves anyone at all, who can do anything they want to the pages. You might think that this leads to disruption.

The idea is that anyone can share the knowledge they have with anyone else!

This is para-quoted from the MotherOfAllWikis? : (See Wiki:WhyWikiWorks?)

Why wiki works:

... and it's often fun. And we all know people play nice when the game is fun.

So that's it - insecure, indiscriminate, user-hostile, slow, full of difficult, nit-picking people, and frivolous. Any other online community would count each of these strengths as a terrible flaw. Perhaps wiki works because the other online communities don't. :)

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Last edited December 1, 2001 12:14 am by 203.164.122.xxx (diff)