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Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. It is a gas giant. It is the first planet discovered that was not known in ancient times. Sir William Herschel discovered the planet in 1781, annd orignally called it Georgium Sidus (George's Star) in honour of King George III of England. French astronomers began calling it Herschel before German [Johann Bode]? proposed the name Uranus.

Uranus has twenty or so moons. The first two were discoverd by Herschel in 1787, and named, by his son, after characters from Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream, as Titania and Oberon. Two more moons discovered by [William Lassell]? in 1851 were named Ariel and Umbriel; G. Kuiper discovered the moon Miranda in 1948. All moons of Uranus are named after characters from Shakespeae or [Alexander Pope]?.

The flyby of the [Voyager 2]? space probe in January of 1986 led to the discovery of another 10 moons. Six additional moons have been discovered by telescope since the Voyager flyby. Uranus has a faint ring system.

The reason for Uranus' extreme axial tilt, almost ninety degrees, is not known.

Moons (in order of distance from Uranus):

Name Orbital
radius (km)
Cordelia? 49,752 26 Unknown
Ophelia? 53,764 32 Unknown
Bianca? 59,165 44 Unknown
Cressida? 61,767 66 Unknown
Desdemona? 62,659 58 Unknown
Juliet? 64,358 84 Unknown
Portia 66,097 110 Unknown
Rosalind? 69,927 54 Unknown
Belinda? 75,255 68 Unknown
1986U10* ~75,000 ~40 Unknown
Puck 86,006 154 Unknown
Miranda 129,850 472 6.3*1019
Ariel 190,930 1158 1.27*1021
Umbriel 265,980 1170 1.27*1021
Titania 436,270 1578 3.49*1021
Oberon 583,420 1523 3.03*1021
Caliban? ~7,200,000 ~80 Unknown
Stephano? ~10,000,000-
~30-40 Unknown
Sycorax ~12,200,000 ~160 Unknown
Prospero? ~10,000,000-
~30-40 Unknown
Setebos? ~10,000,000-
~30-40 Unknown

*Awaiting confirmation and naming

Solar system:
Sun - Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Asteroids - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Comets

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Edited November 21, 2001 12:49 pm by Bryan Derksen (diff)