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[Home]Turkish language

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Turkish is a member of Turkic family of languages, a subclass of the Altaic languages. Thus, such living languages as Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, Bulgarian and Hungarian are close or distant relatives of Turkish. Although the languages of other Turkic countries (former Soviet Union republics) are quite similar to Turkish (especially those of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan), there are many major differences of dialect, grammar and the vocabulary used. The languages used by former Central Asian people (e.g. Huns) are assumed to be considerably close to todays Turkic languages. The characteristic features are the pattern regularity (if the first vowel of a Turkish word is a front vowel, the second and other vowels of the same word are usually the same vowel or another front vowel; e.g. Erdem), the abundance of suffixes (and very few prefixes) and opposite order of the words (as compared to English and other European languages). Turkish is, like the Finnish language and the Japanese language, an agglutinating language.

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Last edited May 14, 2001 5:15 am by Wathiik (diff)