[Home]Silent Ethnic Cleansing

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Silent Ethnic Cleansing is an attempt of the 21st century to describe an act of [ethnic cleansing]?, that was done between 1944 and 1949/50 by communists from the countries of Soviet Union (Russia) , Poland and Czechoslowakia .

Over 9 million refugees and victims of expulsion Heimatvertriebene were forced out of the eastern part of Germany , out of the provinces of Pomerania, Posen-West Prussia , East Prussia, Silesia and eastern Brandenburg during the winter of 1944 - 1945 and continuing till 1950.

During the winter months 1944 to 1945 all population from eastern Germany (Deutsche Reich) territories was driven out by Soviet Union and allied military forces. These were German citizens call Reichsdeutsche.

Not only refugees from all over eastern Germany , but from lands outside the border of the Deutsche Reich , who took refuge in Germany from countries, already overrun by the Soviet Union , where driven further west.

After the Soviet Union stopped attacking, many , who had survived the onslaught , returned to their homes in eastern Germany , which in the meanwhile was occupied by Polish, and Soviet Russian military troops.

These military commanders gradually town by town expelled the Germans .

Besides those over 9 million German citizens from eastern Germany , there was another group of Heimat-Vertriebene , also over 9 million etchnic Germans or Volks-Deutsche from all over Eastern Europe , also hounded out of their homes . They had lived in lands, that were once part of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany . They came from lands, which at times were ruled by German or Holy Roman Empire connected rulers, were given German Rights as German settlers. In the case of Bohemia-Germans , they lived in a land ,for 1200 years part of the Holy Roman Empire and in earlier years German lands.

The Bohemia-Germans (later known as Sudeten-Germans) and the people of parts of Silesia , Posen-West Prussia , formerly German citizens had since 1919 lived in a newly created "Polish Corridor" and millions were already chased out by brutal suppression from Polish and Czech Slavs between 1919 and 1939.

Since due to the magnitute of the numbers of refugees and expelled people no one knows for sure, how many did not survice.

The figure of lost lives is estimated at a minimum 2 1/2 million Germans. Several calculations show millions more.

During the first military occupation years many people simply starved .

In 2001 people are still searching for missing relatives.

The Silent Etchnic Cleansing phrase came up recently, because for 50 years the governments, that planned the ethnic cleansing with the Potsdam - and other previous agreements , sealed the records .It was all a matter of security during the Cold War.

Looking at history books or publications , this episode never existed .

This is what could be called perfect P.R.


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Edited October 5, 2001 7:33 am by The Cunctator (diff)