[Home]Silent Ethnic Cleansing/Talk

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This page seems to completely lack a neutral point of view. I know not enough of the period to correct it. Someone?

One minute later: article is already erased by someone else. Tsja
Who uses this term "silent ethnic cleansing"? What is the source for this information? --LMS
A quick search on Google turns up the term almost exclusively on pages devoted to the usual suspects -- Serbian nationalists, Nazi apologists, and extremists on both sides in Northern Ireland. I am getting a very itchy trigger finger again, though I'll restrain myself for a while to see if someone can demonstrate why this shouldn't go entirely. -- Paul Drye
I guess the editing of The Cunctator already helpel a lot. -- Tsja
It's not just the content of the page, though, Tsja. The title itself appears to be one of those wonderful code phrases so beloved by political extremists. Punch "Silent Ethnic Cleansing" into Google and examine the lovely list of wingnuts that appears. I'm hoping this is persuasive enough that I won't have to be the one to blow it away again....-- Paul Drye

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Edited October 5, 2001 8:05 am by Paul Drye (diff)