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This sport is popular in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Pacific islands such as Tonga, Fiji and Samoa. The strongest nation traditionally has been New Zealand, with Australia and South Africa also being very strong. There is a strong rivalry between these three countries which, along with their location, has lead to the Tri-Nations tournament being played each year between these old foes. Colin Meads, a rugged New Zealand player from the 1950s and 60s is regarded as the best player in history - he once even took the field in an international test vs. South Africa with a broken arm!

Rugby originated in England, when a young man named William Webb Ellis just 'picked up the ball and ran', whilst playing football(soccer) at Rugby School. The trophy for the Rugby Union World Cup was named Webb Ellis in his honour.

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Edited October 2, 2001 2:39 pm by 203.96.101.xxx (diff)