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Showing revision 2
 this sucks 

(comment from some random IP number --Anders Törlind)

so there's a nammu.com, which says it's about "resources for environmental health and safety professionals," but doesn't explain what "nammu" stands for or is, and then another site at http://www.aeat-env.com/groundwater/nammu.htm for one "Numerical Assessment Method for modelling Migration Underground." There's also the Sumerian goddess of the sea who created heaven and earth, according to http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/articles/n/nammu.html and King Ur-Nammu of ancient Mesopotamia, who built a ziggurat, as well as a "Nammu University," which apparently teaches music. I'm guessing the Sumerian goddess and the mesopotamian king are the best contenders for an entry.

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Edited September 4, 2001 7:07 pm by Koyaanis Qatsi (diff)