The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution can be expressed as:
Ni/N = exp(-Ei/kT)/∑exp(-βEj/kT) (1)
where Ni/N is the number fraction of molecules at equilibrium temperature T, having energy level Ei and k is Boltzmanns constant.
Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocity Distribution
For the case of an "ideal gas" consisting of non-interacting atoms in the ground state, the energy is only kinetic energy. From the Particle in a box problem in Quantum mechanics we know that the energy levels for a gas in a rectangular box with sides of lengths ax, ay, az are given by:
Ei = (nx2/ax2 + ny2/ay2 + nz2/az2)(h2/8m) (2)
where, nx, ny, and nz are the quantum numbers for x,y, and z motion, respectively. However, for a macroscopic sized box, the energy levels are very closely spaced, so the energy levels can be considered continuous and we can replace the sum with an integral. Furthermore, we can recognize that (h2ni2/4ai2) corresponds to the square of the ith component of momentum, pi2 giving:
Ni/N = q-1 exp[-1/2mkT(px2 + py2 + pz2)] (3)
where q corresponds to the denomenator in Equation 1. This distribution of Ni/N is proportional to the probability distribution function fp for finding a molecule with these values of of momentum components, so:
fp(px, py, pz) = cq-1 exp[-1/2mkT(px2 + py2 + pz2)] (4)
The constant of proportionality, c, can be determined by recognizing that the probability of a molecule having any momentum must be 1. Therefore the integral of equation 4 over all px, py, and pz must be 1.
It can be shown that:
∫∫∫dpxdpydpz q-1 exp[-1/2mkT(px2 + py2 + pz2)] = q-1<sup>(2mπ/kT)<sup>3/2 (5)
so in order for the integral of equation 4 to be 1,
c = q(2πmkT)-3/2 (6)
Substituting Equation 6 into Equation 4 and using pi=mvi for each component of momentum gives:
fp(px, py, pz) = (1/2πmkT)3/2 exp[-m/2kT(vx2 + vy2 + vz2)] (7)
Finally recognizing that the velocity probability distribution, fv is proportional to the momentum probability distribution function as fv = m3fp, we get:
fv(vx, vy, vz) = (m/2πkT)3/2 exp[-m/2kT(vx2 + vy2 + vz2)] (8)
Which is the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution.
Velocity Distribution in One Direction
For the case of a single direction Equation 8 can be reduced to:
fv(vx) = (m/2πkT)1/2 exp[-mvx2/2kT] (9)
This distribution has the form of a Gaussian error curve. As expected for a gas at rest, the average velocity in any particular direction is zero.
Distribution of Speeds
Usually, we are more interested in the speed of molecules rather than the component velocities, where speed, v is defined such that:
v2 = vx2 + vy2 + vz2 (10)
The corresponding speed distribution is:
F(v) = 4πv2(m/2&pikT)3/2exp(-mv2/2kT) (11)
Someone with time, please add the following!!!
Average Speed
Most Probable Speed
Mean Speed
Root-mean-square Speed