[Home]Linus Torvalds

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Linus Benedict Torvalds developed (and continues to develop) the Linux kernel.

In the Linux community, he is generally referred to simply as Linus.

Linus was born in Helsinki, Finland on December 28, 1969. He is one of the Finlandssvensk, a Swedish-speaking group that represents about 6% of the population of Finland. He attended [Helsinki University]?. He currently lives in [Santa Clara, California]? with his wife (a former (six-time?) national Karate(?) champion in Finland) and his two daughters Patricia Miranda and Daniela. He is employed by the [Transmeta Corporation]?.

His personal mascot is the penguin, nicknamed Tux, widely adopted by the Linux community as the mascot of the Linux kernel.

"Linus' Law," a tenet of the Open source model inspired by Linus and coined by Eric S. Raymond is, "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow."

See also:

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Edited October 8, 2001 3:36 pm by Carey Evans (diff)