[Home]Latin language/Phrases

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This subpage provides English translations of not-so common Latin phrases (i.e. not always found in dictionaries).

     ab urbe condita; anno urbis conditae, a.k.a. [A.U.C.] from the founding of the city (of Rome) (used as a referecne point by the Romans for establishing dates,a s we use A.D. today).

ante litteram: "before the letter", a qualifier for an expression when applied to something that existed before the expression itself was introduced or became common. Example of usage from Alan Turing:

Alan Mathison Turing (1912-1954), British mathematician and computer scientist ante litteram.
("Computer scientist" was not in use in Turing's days.)

quod erat demonstrandum, a.k.a. Q.E.D.: "that which was to be demonstrated." This abbreviation is often written at the bottom of a proof to indicate that the assignment is complete.
quo vadis: "where do you go".

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Edited December 10, 2001 10:41 pm by 136.1.1.xxx (diff)