[Home]H. Jonat/Talk

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I am happy to report that after initial messages I can now remove my "answer" to the back page of /Talk

"Nasty mean spirited messages are not welcome . If you are one of those
who just can't help it , bite your tongue." (I can thankfully say, that I can now take this comment off my main page. H. Jonat)

Hi- I'm definitely not trying to be mean spirited, but I am confused as to what is going on with the horse breed pages. You have several copies of the pages with various sorts of links. You mention redirecting but they don't appear to actually be redirected. Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious or jumping to conclusions, but it appears that you are unclear on the correct method of redirecting. You need to use the #REDIRECT command as described in How does one edit a page. I was going to fix it myself but I am not sure which of the pages you intend to be the main one. Thanks. --Alan Millar

Hi, that message was for some earlier people, not for you. You did ok with the horse pages. But someone took something off in the meanwhile (the split Horse breeds), which I had not put on). I added Horse Breeds on the Horse page. H. Jonat

Regarding your question in Berlin/Talk: I'm too old for techno (35). I edited the paragraph a bit, but the techno reference wasn't mine. But even if you aren't into dance music, Berlin is a great city :-) --Tsja

To Tsja ,Ok, I was just wandering ,who would put that up near the top ? Had to be someone very young. Ich bin ein Berliner,geb. Belziger Strasse Schoeneberg , I Block von Rathaus-Schoeneberg. H. Jonat

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Edited November 15, 2001 3:58 am by H. Jonat (diff)