The Governor is the Queens representative in New South Wales. Prior to the introduction of "responsible government" in 1856, the Governor was responsible for the day-to-day running of the then colony, in later years advised by a "legislative council". After that, the Governor became mainly a ceremonial figure, responsible for appointing the Premier.
Governors of New South Wales
- [Marie Bashir]?, 2001-
- [Gordon Samuels]?, 1996-2001
- [Peter Sinclair]?, 1990-1996
- [David Martin]?, 1989-1990
- [James Rowland]?, 1981-1989
- [Arthur Roden Cutler]?, 1966-1981
- [Eric Woodward]?, 1957-1965
- [John Northcott]?, 1946-1957
- [Baron Wakehurst]?, 1937-1946
- [Murray Anderson]?, 1936-1936
- [Alexander Hore-Ruthven]?, 1935-1936
- [Philip Game]?, 1930-1935
- [Dudley de Chair]?, 1924-1930
- [Walter Davidson]?, 1918-1923
- [Gerald Strickland]?, 1913-1917
- [Frederick Napier]?, 1909-1913
- [Harry Rawson]?, 1902-1909
- [William Earl Beauchamp]?, 1899-1901