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I shall be ruled by you, sir. (from some Shakespearean play, I think). I'm currently wondering whether to engage the interlocutor or just wait for him to get bored.

By the way, where's the "unvandalized" version?

--[[Ed Poor[[

Ed, it's not my attempt to overrule you, I just don't want a vandal to be encouraged. If you want to work on the article, I've restored the non-vandalized version.

In view of some of your recent comments I would be interested in knowing if you know much about the topic of feminism, and especially 19th century feminism in the United States?

You seem to believe that you have no bias yourself. Perhaps this is true. The problem is that after you study a topic for a long time you generally do have certain views about it. Do you feel that a lack of knowledge of the topic of feminism is the reason that you have to wipe out other people's work, rather than correct it? What I mean is do you have a gut feeling that what I've said is wrong, but lack the ability to balance it out because of your ignorance, and this is why you resort to simply wiping out entire paragraphs?

Perhaps I should ask someone who knows something about the topic to look at the page (that is -- before you vandalised it). David Byron

Well now I am embarrassed by what I wrote because you decided to reinstate my efforts... but honestly I do wonder about how the system of balances and checks can work if on some obscure topic one person is writing with enthusiasm (and therefore likely a POV) and the people who would normally be the saftey net aren't as knowledgeable. Said without prejudice. I don't know what you know about the topic. Call it a theoretical question.
I freely admit that I have biases. I try to be aware of my biases when I write an article, and I (like lots of other people here) try to correct biases from others that I find to be wrong. But I am also human, which means that I make mistakes and I sometimes show my bias even when I try otherwise. You are correct that often people who care passionately about a controversial subject often know more about it and are less able to be objective. Feminism is obviously a subject that both you and I feel strongly about. I let my emotions overrule my reactions to this subject, and it was inappropriate. I am not a "senior" participant in this project, by the way. I am relatively new here, although not as new as you are.

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Edited December 9, 2001 4:54 pm by Egern (diff)