Showing revision 2Main Categories List
- 700 The arts
- 701 Philosophy & theory
- 702 Miscellany
- 703 Dictionaries & encyclopedias
- 704 Special topics
- 705 Serial publications
- 706 Organizations & management
- 707 Education, research, related topics
- 708 Galleries, museums, private collections
- 709 Historical, areas, persons treatment
- 710 Civic & landscape art
- 711 Area planning ([Civic art]?)
- 712 [Landscape architecture]?
- 713 Landscape architecture of trafficways
- 714 Water features
- 715 [Woody plant]?s
- 716 [Herbaceous plant]?s
- 717 Structures
- 718 Landscape design of cemeteries?
- 719 Natural landscapes
- 720 Architecture
- 721 Architectural structure
- 722 Architecture to ca. 300
- 723 Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
- 724 Architecture from 1400
- 725 Public structures
- 726 [Buildings for religious purposes]?
- 727 [Buildings for education]? & research
- 728 residential? & related buildings
- 729 Design & decoration
- 730 Plastic arts (Sculpture)
- 731 Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture
- 732 Sculpture to ca. 500
- 733 Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture
- 734 Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399
- 735 Sculpture from 1400
- 736 Carving? & carvings
- 737 Numismatics? & sigillography?
- 738 Ceramic arts
- 739 Art metalwork?
- 740 Drawing & [decorative arts]?
- 741 Drawing & drawings
- 742 Perspective?
- 743 Drawing & drawings by subject
- 744 Not assigned or no longer used
- 745 Decorative arts
- 746 [Textile arts]?
- 747 [Interior decoration]?
- 748 Glass
- 749 Furniture? & accessories
- 750 Painting & paintings
- 751 Techniques, equipment, forms
- 752 Color
- 753 Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend
- 754 Genre paintings
- 755 Religion & religious symbolism
- 757 Human figures & their parts
- 758 Other subjects
- 759 Historical, areas, persons treatment
- 760 [Graphic arts]?, Printmaking? & prints
- 761 Relief processes ([Block printing]?)
- 762
- 763 Lithographic (Planographic?) processes
- 764 Chromolithography? & serigraphy?
- 765 [Metal engraving]?
- 766 Mezzotinting & related processes
- 767 Etching? & drypoint?
- 768
- 769 Prints
- 770 Photography & photographs
- 771 Techniques, equipment, materials
- 772 Metallic salt processes
- 773 Pigment processes of printing
- 774 Holography?
- 778 Fields & kinds of photography
- 779 Photographs
- 780 Music
- 781 General principles & musical forms
- 782 [Vocal music]?
- 783 Music for single voices, The voice?
- 784 Musical instruments|Instruments]] & Instrumental ensembles
- 785 [Chamber music]?
- 786 Keyboard? & other instruments
- 787 [Stringed instruments]? (Chordophones)
- 788 Wind instruments (Aerophones)
- 790 Recreational & [performing arts]?
- 791 Public performances
- 792 Stage presentations
- 793 Indoor games & amusements
- 794 Indoor games of skill
- 795 Games of Chance
- 796 Athletic & outdoor sports & games
- 797 Aquatic & air sports
- 798 Equestrian sports & animal racing
- 799 Fishing?, hunting?, shooting