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[Home]Detroit, Michigan

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Detroit, Michigan

1701? [Antoine de Lamothe Cadillac]?, with his lieutenant [Alphonse de Tonty]?, established a trading post on the Detroit River which they named [Fort Pontchartrain]?; present site of Detroit.

Detroit and its suburbs are the home of the Ford Motor Company,GM, the modern automobile industry, motown? Punk and techno music.

Geography Physical geography (area, unique features)

Land area is 138.7 square miles, or 359.2 square kilometers. It is located on the north bank of the Detroit River, in southeastern Michigan.

Major Parks include Belle Isle, Palmer Park, Rouge Park, Chene Park. Other city recreational facilities include municipal golf courses (William Rogell, Rouge, Belle Isle, Palmer Park), Northwest Activities Center.


city population 951,270 ([U. S. Census]?, 1 April 2000)

racial/ethnic makeup

82% African-American, 12% Caucasian, 5% Hispanic, 1% Asian-American, 5% other. (2000 U.S. Census)

religious makeup


Major industries/products

Motor vehicles.


In addition to property tax, the city levies income tax of 2.75% on residents, 1.375% on non-residents, and 1.6% on corporations.


Mayor and nine member city council, elected at-large on nonpartisan ballot. Municipal elections are held every year congruent to 1 modulo? 4. Current mayor-elect is Kwame Kilpatrick.

Mayor or City Executive-- current, previous executives

Dennis Archer, 1994-2002 Coleman Young, 1974-1994

major historical events that occurred in city

Colleges/Universities?? in city

[Wayne State University]?

[University of Detroit-Mercy]?

[Marygrove College]?

[Lewis College of Business]?

Sporting teams in city

Detroit Red Wings, NHL

Detroit Tigers, MLB?

Detroit Lions, NFL

[Detroit Shock]?, WNBA?

[Detroit Pistons]?, NBA?

Official city web site: http://www.ci.detroit.mi.us/

see: Michigan

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Last edited December 19, 2001 9:36 am by N8chz (diff)