Cattle are domesticated? ungulates that are raised for beef? and dairy products (milk). Male cattle are called steer?s or bull?s, and female cattle are called cows. The young member is called calf.
The last European wild cattle, called aurochs, were killed by poachers in Masovia, Poland in 1627.
Angus Afrikaner Ankole Beefalo Beefmaster Belgian Blue [Belted Galloway]? [Blonde d'Aqui]? Braford Brahman Brangus Braunvieh [British White]? BueLingo? Charolais Chiangus Chianina Commercial Corriente Devon Dexter Galloway Gelbvieh Hereford Hybridmaster Highland Limousin [Maine Anjou]? Miniature [Murray Grey]? Normande Piedmontese Pinzgauer [Polled Hereford]? [Red Angus]? [Red Brangus]? [Red Poll]? Romagnola Salers [Santa Gertrudis]? Senepol Shorthorn Simbrah Simmental [South Devon]? Tarentaise [Texas Longhorn]? Tuli Wagyu Watusi Zebu