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Protestant Christian theology founded by John Calvin. The beliefs of Calvinism are traditionally summarised in the so-called five points, which form the mnemonic TULIP:

Some Calvinists, sometimes called four-point Calvinists, reject the doctrine of limited atonement. Another group, known as Hyper-Calvinists, hold beliefs above and beyond this, such as the position that God has also predestined some to Hell (the doctrine of reprobation), that it is wrong to evangelize, because God will save His own, and that God does not command everyone to repent, only the elect (those whom He has chosen.)

Contrast with Arminianism.

See also: Predestination


External links:

Calvinist Denominations

The Protestant Reformed Churches in America (PRC)


One of the most conservative Reformed/Calvinist? denominations in the world, the PRC separated from the CRC in the 1920's in a schism over the issue of common grace. Most of its member churches are in West Michigan, Iowa, and other places where there are Christian Reformed congregations.

The Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC)


The CRC is a conservative/evangelical denomination founded by Dutch immigrants in the nineteenth century in West Michigan. It has many congregations in Michigan, Iowa, California, southwest Ontario, and elsewhere.

The Reformed Church of America (RCA)


The RCA is a liberal/evangelical denomination formed by Dutch immigrants during colonial times.

The Presbyterian Church in the USA (PC(USA))


One of the largest denominations in the US, the PC(USA) has over a million members. It is a liberal, mainline denomination with roots in England and Scotland.

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Edited December 20, 2001 12:17 am by BenBaker (diff)