[Home]Brian De Palma

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American film director born in Newark, New Jersey, on September 11, 1940. His works explore themes of suspense, murder, obsession, and psychiatric disorders, among others. Considered by many as a successor to Alfred Hithcock's cinematic style.


[Femme Fatale]? (2002)
[Mission to Mars]? (2000)
[Snake Eyes]? (1998)
[Mission Impossible]? (1996)
[Carlito s Way]? (1993)
[Raising Cain]? (1992)
[Bonfire of the Vanities, The]? (1990)
[Casualties of War]? (1989)
[Untouchables, The]? (1987)
[Wise Guys]? (1986)
[Body Double]? (1984)
Scarface? (1983)
[Blow Out]? (1981)
Dressed to Kill (1980)
[Home Movies]? (1979)
[Fury, The]? (1978)
Carrie? (1976)
Obsession? (1976)
[Phantom of the Paradise]? (1974)
Sisters? (1973)
[Get to Know Your Rabbit]? (1972)
Dionysus? (1970)
[Hi, Mom]? (1970)
[Wedding Party, The]? (1969)
Greetings? (1968)
[Murder a la Mod]? (1968)
[Responsive Eye, The]? (1966)
[Show Me a Strong Town and I ll Show You a Strong Bank]? (1966)
[Bridge That Gap]? (1965)
Jennifer? (1964)
[Wotan s Wake]? (1962)
[660124 The Story of an IBM Card]? (1961)
Icarus? (1960)


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Edited September 21, 2001 12:52 am by Pinkunicorn (diff)