Someone erased the list of more than 100 office holders ,writing something about German apologists.
As it now states in the article , it seems that Slavs came , took over and only Slavs lived there till 1134, when Albrecht the Baer brought in Germans. This has been a popular theory by English speakers for many years.
It is false .
Does anyone have an explatation, why this widespread theory with English speakers exists ?
Why does anyone want to suppress the history of Brandenburg (or Eastern Germania) now in the year 2001, by "omitting" early records?
Is that not falsifying ?
H. Jonat
It's not that bloody hard. J Hofmann Kemp
AND BY THE WAY YOU SILLY PERSON, The so-called Germans who lived there when the Slavs invaded were nothing of the sort -- at least not in the way you mean. They were most likely a combination of Franks, Saxons, and perhaps a few other tributary people brought in to guard the march. You can's say the Franks were German. It's not the same. If you insist on it, then you also have to accept that they were French, which reduces the "Germans owned Prussia first" argument to the irrelevant. Oh wait...that's right...the French are really German, so really, it's ok for the Kaiser to just kind of absorb France into the Empire...[[JHK]
You are really funny . H. J.