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[Home]Books of the Bible

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Most major religions have an official list of canonical books; i.e. a list of books that are considered to be divinely inspired, and which make up their holy book. In Judaism the list of books of the Bible was settled approximately 2000 years ago. Since then, there has been no debate between the various Jewish groups over the canon of the Tanach (the Hebrew Bible, aka the Old Testament).

The various denominations of Christianity are not in complete agreement on the canon of the Christian Bible. While the books of the Old and New Testaments are agreed upon by almost all Christians, there is a set of books that are not universally accepted. In Protestant Christianity, these books are called the Apocrypha, and are rejected as non-canonical. In Roman Catholicism, the books are known as the [deuterocanonical books]?, and are a part of scripture. Scholars often refer to these books as "Inter-testamental", as they were written after the books of the Old Testament, but before the books of the New Testament. Catholics use the word "Apocrypha" to refer to what Protestants call the Psuedipigrapha?.

Eastern Orthodox Christians accept the deuterocanonical books, with the exception of Baruch?. The Ethiopian church adds several other books, not accepted by the rest of Christianity, such as Jubilees?, to the Old Testament.

The religion of Islam has no such issue, as their holy book consists of one book by one author, the Quran.

The Old Testament aka Tanach

The Apocrypha/[deuterocanonical books]?

The New Testament

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Last edited December 3, 2001 1:44 pm by Stephen Gilbert (diff)