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Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture and medicine.

One section of biotechnology is the directed use of organisms by humans for production. The first application of biotechnology probably was the making of bread? by using yeast?, about 5,000 years ago. Today, biotechnology usually means the use of genetically altered microorganisms such as [E. coli]? or yeast for producing substances like insulin or antibiotics. It can also refer to transgenic? animals or plants, such as Bt corn. Naturally present bacteria are involved in the mining industry in bioleaching.

There are also applications of biotechnology that do not use living organisms. An example are DNA chips used in genetics, or radioactive tracers used in medicine.

Although biotechnology is publicly associated with cloning and selecting your childrens' traits before they are born, these make a very small part of the applications.

See also : biochemistry -- molecular biology -- GeneticEngineering?


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Edited November 18, 2001 6:37 am by 209.144.103.xxx (diff)