Given three
vector spaces
W and
X over the same base
field F,
bilinear operator is a
function B:
W ->
X such that
for any
w in
v |->
w) is
linear operator from
V to
X, and for any
v in
w |->
is a
linear operator from
W to
The definition works without any changes for modules over a commutative
ring R and can easily be generalized to the multi-linear case.
For the case of a non-commutative base ring R and
a right module MR and a left
module RN, we can define a bilinear operator
B: MxN -> T, where T is a commutative group, such that
for any n in N, m |-> B(m, n) is
a group homomorphism, and for any m in M, n |-> B(m, n)
is a group homomorphism, and which also satisfies
- B(mr, n) = B(m, rn)
for all m in M, n in N and r in R.
- If a vector space over the real numbers, R, has an inner product, then it is a bilinear operator.
- The application operator, b(f, v) = f(v) is a bilinear operator from V*xV.
- Let f be a member of V* and g a member of W*. Then b(v, w) = f(v)g(w) is a bilinear operator.
- In R2, assign to each two vectors the signed area of the parallelogram they define.
- Let B: VxW->X be a bilinear operator, and L: U->W be a linear operator, then (v, u) -> B(v, Lu) is a bilinear operator on VxU
- The operator B: VxW -> X where B(v, w) = 0 is bilinear