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A class of hypnotic drug often prescribed for treatment of insomnia?. They are believed to act on receptors near the [GABA receptor]? which dampens neuronal activity.

These drugs are preferred to the use of barbiturate?s because they have a lower abuse potential and relatively lower adverse reactions or interactions. However, drowsiness, ataxia, confusion, vertigo, impaired judgement and a number of other effects are common.

Benzodiazepines are divided into three groups for treatment of insomnia. Short-acting compounds act for less than six hours and have few residual effects, but rebound insomnia is common and anxiety levels may increase. Intermediate-acting compunds have an effect for 6-10 hours, may have mild residual effects but rebound insomnia is not common. Long-acting compunds have strong sedative? effects that persist and accumulation may occur.

Mogadon, Rohypnol? and Temazepam? are examples of benzodiazepines.


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Edited December 11, 2001 6:06 am by 213.76.2.xxx (diff)