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<TITLE>Teachings on autism -- Chris Slater welcomes you to his web site!</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#808080" ALINK="#FF0000" BACKGROUND="rain.gif">


<LEFT>Hi! I'm Chris Slater, a 19 year old guy from Menominee, WI, at UW-Stout. I have High Functioning Autism. My page has been put up so I can teach people about autism, and to help anyone with any questions about autism. And you perhaps figured it out, I'm in college. :)</LEFT>

<LEFT><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=+1>When I was younger, I had the same characteristics as any other person with autism. Today, I'm very active. I have many friends, some have autism; some don't. :-) I love to play Magic: The Gathering, a collectable card game, and some of my friends without autism play it, also. I love to play golf, but I never play alone! What made this possible was that I was "educated" about people that don't have autism. What I mean by that is that I learned how they interact, and how they present themselves. I feel that every person with autism can, in fact, make it in this world -- if they learn how to socialize! ;-)</LEFT></FONT></FONT>

Please click on any of the topics you would be interested in...

<A HREF="overview.html" TARGET="page">Overview</A> This is just an overview on what Autism is...

<A HREF="story.html" TARGET="page">That's my story (And I'm sticking to it!)</A> I also happened to be very advanced! In my own words, here's how I did it! :-)

<A HREF="thoughts.html" TARGET="page">Thoughts on Autism...</A> This link will show you what I think about autism...

<A HREF="selfadvocate.html" TARGET="page">About the self advocate...</A>  My thoughts on being a self advocate.

<A HREF="nocure.html" TARGET="page">Anyone willing to cure autism is out of line!</A> Why I think this, backed with reason. There is no cure for autism.

<A HREF="pages.html" TARGET="page">Personal web pages...</A> These are other pages about autism, created by other people with autism.

Like becoming a more advanced person with autism, this page is always improving!

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<A HREF="http://www.buyitonline.com/default.asp?couponid=3434CWC" TARGET="_top">Follow this link to shop at buyitonline.com to support my site.</A>
I would appreciate your support. :)

I will accept e-mails. Click the "@" to find out more.

<a href="email.html" target="page"><IMG SRC="email2b.gif" WIDTH="60" HEIGHT="60" ALT="Click here to e-mail me." BORDER="0"></a>

I have decided to end my guestbook. The three guestbooks combined are very stuffed -- a total of 249 people have signed my guestbooks, which amounts to a stuffed guestbook! ;) If you want to make a comment to me, please by all means e-mail me.

You are visitor #<ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC="http://cgi2.fxweb.com/v2-trackrun.cgi?userid=J19121" HEIGHT="31" WIDTH="88" ALT="My tracker">since I re-did this site on May 22, 1998

Page last updated on June 9, 2000.

<A HREF="sitemap.html" TARGET="_top">Site map


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Edited December 12, 2001 12:12 pm by 155.42.21.xxx (diff)