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I think this is not good practice to list or create articles about brand names (proprietary names). They come and go. Besides in different countries the same drug by the same manufacturer is sold under different brand names.
There are exceptions of course we definitely should have articles about : Viagra,Valium?,Prozac? and possibly Rophypnol? (date-rape drug ?).

Can we ask the administrators to issue the official policy on brand names of pharmaceuticals ?

There is not yet an official policy, but personally I don't have a problem with it. If it's a subject some people want to know about, we do our readers a disservice not to cover it just because of some misplaced concern about "commercialism". Let's face it; people won't search for "Diazepam"; they'll search for "Valium", and expect an article on it. Of course, that article should simply say that "Valium" is a trademarked brand name for Diazepam, and then desribe what Diazepam is and what it does. I think all should be treated similarly: mention the brand name and the generic name, and use the generic name in most of the text. --LDC

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Edited December 13, 2001 12:52 am by Lee Daniel Crocker (diff)