[Home]Allied Control Council

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Allied Control Council was the name of a military occupation governing body of the United States, Great Britain and Soviet Union. France was later added, had a vote but no duties.

The Allied Control Council was the highest occupation force to govern the defeated Germany , Deutsche Reich

The building which the Allied Control Council occupied , was called Alliierte Kontrollrats Gebaeude. It was situated in Berlin-Schoeneberg ,Hauptstrasse in the Kleist?Park. After the [Fall of the Wall]? and after the Soviet Union troops left Berlin, the Allied Control Council building was returned toBerlin authorities.

After 1945 ,when the Soviet Union went its own way and cooperations between the Four-Powers? totally collapsed , the building stood empty. There was only one guard stationed out front.

The ongoing Iron Curtain confrontations left the function of the Control Council , which was to govern as a united body in limbo.

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Edited October 4, 2001 10:55 am by 207.215.85.xxx (diff)